Wind Architectural Integration

Specialized wind turbines can be integrated into the design of new and existing structures, generating clean energy and providing an innovative artistic element to the building itself. Wind turbines are incorporated into the design of buildings based on how the building can shape, funnel and harness this abundant source of renewable energy. Wind turbines represent one of the many types of renewable energy technologies that can be integrated into the design of new buildings, as well as existing structures.

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Oklahoma City, OK

Below: The alcoves as ducted shrouds and PV platforms

Below: Wind rose superimposed over the future building site

Below: Wind Profile superimposed over the massing study

Below: The roof as solar and wind energy collector

Wind energy in the city (pictured below)

When we study the movement of air in the city, streets behave as canyons and channels for accelerating and slowing down the wind.

As we incorporate wind turbines into the building, the architectural designer becomes aware of how the building can shape, funnel and harness this huge source of renewable energy.

Below: The Roof Plan showing the placement of solar and wind energy collectors.

OMRF Media Links:

Click here to download a pdf of the full OMRF report

Click here to view a news article outlining the building plans for OMRF

Video: View plans for the new OMRF research tower building going green.

Symphony Park: Honolulu Case Study
56 turbines producing 600 KWhrs every day

Symphony Park: Honolulu Case Study

Symphony Park: Honolulu Case Study

Symphony Park: Honolulu Case Study

San Francisco Public Utility Commission Building

Chicago Case Study: Helmut Jahn

Olympic Stadium Proposal for NYC 2012

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