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Career Opportunities

Due to our steady expansion, Energime is always on the lookout for individuals who wish to pursue a career in sustainable growth and renewable energy. Among the positions we are constantly interviewing for include specialists in business development (national and international), electricians, solar/wind designers and installers, engineers, product designers, CAD/drafting specialists, financial experts, sales support, education, social networking, site supervisors, project managers, project estimators, energy auditors (commercial and residential), real estate development, office management, and public relations. We would be interested in hearing from you and would be happy to look at your resume and letter.

Energime is an employee-owned company with all associates having a stock position after 3 years of service. No core shares of stock can be owned by an investor or non-associate. This ensures that decisions that pertain to the direction and future of the company will always be made by the Energime family.

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